MyoBuddy Products Commits to Supporting Parkinson’s Community

April is National Parkinson’s Awareness Month and the producer of the MyoBuddy Massager Pro is announcing an ongoing mission to support Parkinson’s patients and the community working alongside these individuals.

The company is launching a campaign to support the advancement of massage therapy to aid people who suffer from Parkinson’s symptoms. The brand will donate a percentage of proceeds from units sold to Parkinson’s research, launch an online MyoBuddy Support Group for caregivers and patients with Parkinson’s, and extend product discounts to anyone with Parkinson’s or those who treat them. Details on the initiatives to follow later this year.

“The overwhelmingly positive reaction we’ve received over the years from people with Parkinson’s is driving us to make this an integral part of our company mission,” said Lillo Furca, MyoBuddy founder and CEO. “We feel it’s imperative to take a leadership stance in advancing massage to support people with Parkinson’s – to help as they seek to find tools to aid them along the way.”

Massage therapy has long been recognized as a tool to help people with Parkinson’s dealing with muscle stiffness and rigidity. In fact, a 2002 study conducted by the University of Miami along with Duke University concluded that Parkinson’s disease symptoms are reduced by massage therapy. The MyoBuddy’s percussive massage technology provides users a way to alleviate joint and muscle stiffness.

If you or anyone you know is working through Parkinson’s disease, MyoBuddy extends an open invitation – email the company at or call (844) 696-2833. A company representative will talk you through the process and provide information on how to obtain a discounted unit.

“We want the MyoBuddy to be in the hands of people who most need the support of our massager,” Furca added. “We want to do everything we can to provide some relief for people with Parkinson’s.”

In addition to Parkinson’s, the MyoBuddy has been used as a tool during physical therapy, as a resource for people who visit chiropractors and as a way to support people with certain forms of Autism.

For more information on the product and its uses, visit



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