Why Massage Is Beneficial for Kids in Their Early Years

The benefits of massage for children are much the same as they are for adults. Repetitive motions and massage techniques can promote relaxation, improve blood circulation, and reduce stress and discomfort. Regular massage after bathtime can be soothing and relaxing for fussy babies in preparation for sleep. Here’s how it helps them as they grow.   

What Are the Benefits of Massage for Babies? 

Massage for babies helps with physical, emotional and developmental needs. Some of the benefits include the following: 

Boosts the Immune System

Massage can increase white blood cell count and circulation. White blood cells are essential for fighting off infection and disease. Massage also boosts your baby’s blood flow, which enhances muscle tone and skin health.

Improves Sleep 

A massage before bedtime will calm your baby’s nervous system. It can also increase melatonin levels for quality sleep. 

Promotes Bonding 

Your baby needs skin-to-skin contact to strengthen your bond, and you can do this with massage and nurturing touch. It reinforces the connection between parents and helps babies feel secure. Infants also need nurturing touch for brain development and overall health.  

Relieves Digestive Issues 

One of the best ways to relieve gas in babies is to massage their tummies or help them stretch for better digestion and relieve pain or discomfort. 

Supports Motor Skills Development 

Gently massaging and stretching your baby’s limbs increases body awareness and coordination.

What Are the Benefits of Massage for Children Over 5? 

Massage has many benefits for children’s growing bodies. You can take your child to professional massage therapy or teach them how to self-massage and stretch to ease muscle tension and soreness. 

Some of the benefits of massage for children include: 

Aids Recovery From Sport or Play

According to the National Childhood Network, children need 60 minutes of mild exercise daily. Equally important is rest and recovery time. Massage can help with general muscle development and recovery from pain if your child is recovering from injury. Massage for sporty kids can also improve mobility, relax deep connective tissue and reduce risks of injury. 

Relieves Growing Pains

Kids’ bodies change a lot over the years, and with all their activities and running around, it’s crucial to support the health of their muscles, bones, joints and connective tissues. These can be a source of discomfort or pain during development. Massage can ease this discomfort by increasing blood circulation to relax the muscles. 

Reduces Stress 

Kids in school must sit still, concentrate and listen, and they may experience academic pressure the higher they go. Massage lowers cortisol levels and teaches them to make time to relax and de-stress when needed. As they grow, they will develop good habits and prioritize rest and self-care as part of their daily lives. 

Improves Sleep 

In addition to good sleep hygiene, massage can help your kids fall asleep easier by promoting relaxation. 

Aids Immune System 

The immune system is essential for fighting off disease and supporting growth and development. Massage helps keep the lymph and circulatory systems working correctly. The lymphatic system defends from infections, while the circulatory system carries oxygen, essential nutrients and hormones to cells.  

What Are the Benefits of Massage for Children Over 5? 

You may want to start taking your kids for professional massage therapy when they’re old enough. Sports or deep tissue massage helps with recovery and muscle tension, whether your child has begun playing sports or is involved in high-level competitive activities. 

You can also get massage or compression tools that ease muscle pain. Look for massage tools with adjustable strength for gentleness and show them these settings so they can use them independently. 

Massage for Baby

When you massage your baby, be careful with joints and bones and apply gentle pressure on the muscles in their arms, backs and legs. Follow your baby’s cues and keep the sessions brief. 

Some techniques you can use include the following: 


Use your fingers and thumbs to gently squeeze muscles for relief of tension. You can also apply gentle pressure with your hands as compression to improve circulation.


This technique works well for soothing and comforting your baby when they are fussy or restless. Use rhythmic rocking motions to relax their backs, arms and legs. 


Gently pull on their limbs and muscles to stretch them and improve flexibility. You can also use bicycle kicks for gas relief and to improve digestion. Lay your baby on their back, bend their knees and rotate their legs in the motion used to ride a bike. 


Effleurage involves using long, gentle strokes to improve blood circulation. Use a flat open palm to perform long strokes on arms, legs, back and stomach. 

Your Kids Need Massage, Too 

Massaging your baby can improve your bond, aid development, relieve discomfort and be soothing. Your kids need ways to reduce stress, improve mobility and flexibility, and ease muscle tension from sports and other activities. 

If you want to know more about how massage improves blood circulation and relieves muscle tension and learn how to get these benefits, subscribe to our newsletter or contact us today.

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